
Episode #33: Jonathan Fields - How To Discover The Work You’re Here To Do

Jonathan Fields (@jonathanfields) is an award-winning author, serial entrepreneur, and teacher. He's founded a number of game-changing wellness companies and has led workshops around the world on everything from yoga and mindfulness to conscious entrepreneurship and innovation. 

This is Jonathan’s second appearance on the podcast and we dive even deeper into doing meaningful work. We talk about the Sparketype framework Jonathan designed for helping you discover the work you’re here to do, the work that is most meaningful to you — the work that sparks you.

Episode #17: Personality 101: Understanding Others and Yourself Better

In this episode, I speak to my wife about the most well-researched and widely accepted personality model among psychologists, The Big Five. We talk about the link between personal development and personality and explain how knowledge of personality psychology can help us in our day-to-day lives.

What is the “Big Five” and How Can It Help You?

Our personality plays a huge role in our lives. It shapes how we view the world and frame events. Believe it or not, certain traits can even predict how happy we are, how we vote, and how successful we are in our chosen careers.

Understanding my own personality has helped me see my own strengths and weaknesses more clearly. I've been able to use this information to develop a more customized approach to personal development.

In this post, I’ll share the most compelling, insightful, and well-researched personality framework that psychologists use to measure traits…