Where to Invest Your Time

(Read time: 3-4 minutes)

This post briefly outlines a framework for deciding where to invest your time.

You may have already realized, as I have, that the actions you take to improve your life are not equal; they exist on different levels.

Some are more direct, meaning their benefit is linear and specific. Examples include things like working a job, going to the grocery store, responding to an email, and deciding what you're going to wear. Let's call these Level 1 actions, or direct actions.

However, some actions are more meta, meaning their benefits are multidimensional and have a kind of cascade effect on other actions…

Act like the person you want to become.

(Read time: 2-3 minutes)

You've probably heard the phrase: "Fake it ‘til you make it."

I agree with this advice but with one caveat: Don’t fake the superficial stuff. Fake the meaningful stuff.

Don’t fake the money.
Don’t fake the accomplishments.
Don’t fake the ego.

This is a horrible waste of time and energy and it gets you nowhere. Instead...

Fake the consistency.
Fake the work ethic.
Fake the action.

For many things in life, pretending is just as good as the real thing. In fact, for some things the difference is indistinguishable…

What is the “Big Five” and How Can It Help You?

Our personality plays a huge role in our lives. It shapes how we view the world and frame events. Believe it or not, certain traits can even predict how happy we are, how we vote, and how successful we are in our chosen careers.

Understanding my own personality has helped me see my own strengths and weaknesses more clearly. I've been able to use this information to develop a more customized approach to personal development.

In this post, I’ll share the most compelling, insightful, and well-researched personality framework that psychologists use to measure traits…