Personal Update

The TGP Philosophy

In my life, there have been foundational beliefs, ideas and principles that have helped me achieve success in many respects. I’ve benefited from different schools of thought and learned from mentors of all different backgrounds and ideologies. The way I live my life and the content I share on @thinkgrowprosper are a reflection of these different points of view.

Interestingly, although I spend much of my time writing and curating content about various personal growth philosophies, I realized the other day that I couldn’t point to a well-defined, cohesive set of ideas, principles or beliefs that represented my personal life philosophy in a nutshell...

Celebrate Love

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Here's a poem I wrote for my fiancé years ago after a dream I had. 

I feel as though we've danced
this dance many times before—
that I was once a wave and you,
a pebble on the shore.

I softly splashed against you,
then wrapped you up in me.
You asked for an adventure
so I carried you to sea.

When we awoke, we'd slipped
into a different time and place.
This time you gave me water
each time you kissed my face.

And after many seasons
of flourishing with you,
My petals withered in the sun
and I was born anew.

I couldn't bear to be without
my other half, my home.
So soon enough we joined again
among the woods to roam.

I've known you by some other names,
in other places too.
Our souls they are not strangers,
their memories, not few.

I've found you every time
and adored your every state.
You've somehow always found me too,
and so it is with fate.

Each and every time we've met
I've loved you more and more.
Perhaps that's why it seems as though
we've danced this dance before.
—Ruben Chavez

How I Accidentally Gained Over a Million Followers By Following My Excitement

In case you missed my previous blog post and recent Instagram posts, I’ve been talking about how to take action on the small things that excite you in order to discover the bigger things that will lead you to your “passion” or “purpose.”

I want to address a question that has come up in regards to this topic. It may be on your mind too:

“Acting on my excitement sounds great...but how does it translate into doing meaningful work that financially supports me?”

A lot of people think that when they follow their excitement, their lives will be perfect and they’ll never have to work or do anything they don’t like ever again.

But that's not really how it works.

It’s not that you won’t have to work hard when you follow your excitement or even that you won’t have to do things that you’re not absolutely thrilled about sometimes.

It’s that when you follow your excitement, the work you do will seem less like work and more like play.