Episode #27: Ask Me Anything 3

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My wife, Vanessa and I recorded this episode just hours before she went into labor with our first child! So if it sounds like we are a bit distracted it’s because we are. I will be doing more Q&A episodes in the future where I cover more ground. For now, enjoy this (sometimes rambling) ask-me-anything episode where Vanessa and I discuss the following questions:

Questions answered in this episode:

  • My guru told me I should stop reading books in order to find enlightenment. What are your thoughts on this?

  • Which book represents your values and beliefs the most?

  • What is the best thing to look for in a life partner?

  • How can I create a life I'm passionate about?

  • What, who, or why drives you to be the beacon of positivity that you are and how do you stay in that mindset?

  • What are your passion projects?

  • How is self-love achieved? When you feel guilty thoughts about yourself, how do you push those thoughts away?

Thank you to our sponsor…

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My current favorites are the Adaptogen Blend and their Mushroom Coffee with Cordyceps.

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Selected links & resources from the episode

What did you think about this episode?

Leave me a review on iTunes with your biggest takeaway (I read them all). Or, drop me a comment below. I appreciate your feedback!

Ruben Chavez is a writer, personal development educator, and host of The Think Grow Podcast. He has created a community of over 3 million readers across his collective platforms, including his popular Instagram page ThinkGrowProsper. Along with this blog, these platforms are his way of inspiring and connecting with thoughtful, creative, and ambitious people just like you.