Why Reading Isn't Enough

I often talk about the benefits of reading and the positive impact it has had on my personal development. While there's no doubt it is a valuable learning tool, I want to emphasize several vital aspects of the learning process I don't discuss quite as often: experience, observation, and critical thinking.

Indeed, these are the most powerful learning tools you have at your disposal. You can easily forget something you read within a week, but the lessons you learn through experience and figuring things out for yourself often last a lifetime.

Over the years, I've realized the primary purpose of reading is to...

How to Remember More of What You Read

Have you ever read a book and loved it, but several months later couldn't remember what it was about? This has happened to me more times than I care to admit so I know how frustrating it can be. 

Consuming an entire book is a significant time investment so if you can’t recall what you read, it feels like all that time you spent reading was wasted. Not a fun feeling.

This is especially true of books having to do with personal development, which make up a good portion of the books I recommend on TGP.

The whole point of reading these kind of books is to apply the information to your life so you can improve it. But it's hard to do if you can't remember what you read.

Not to worry -- I have some tips for you!

Below are some strategies that have helped me learn and recall information more effectively. I've arrived at these methods through years of trial and error and I am constantly updating and improving them. Sometimes I utilize all of these tools, sometimes only one or two. Apply them to your life however you see fit.

Take The First Step

Exciting news! I'm partnering with @Kswiss to share my personal entrepreneur story for their new #GenerationK campaign. I'm honored to be part of a movement that supports the next generation of creators & entrepreneurs like myself. Hopefully my story inspires anyone who is scared to take the first step.

In 2013, after a series of personal and professional failures, I was emotionally and financially broke. The only thing I could bring myself to do was read. I sought out personal development books for inspiration and motivation.

Then one day, I got an idea to document the parts of these books that inspired me. Using Instagram, I made a vision board of quotes that resonated with me. I took the first step. A very small one, but a step nonetheless.

What I've Been Listening To Lately

If you follow my Instagram page @ThinkGrowPropser, you know that reading has been an invaluable part of my journey and learning process. But lately, I've been incorporating more audio-based media into my life with fantastic results.

I'm talking about podcasts, lectures, YouTube videos and of course, audiobooks. Compared to traditional reading, I’ve found audio to be an equally effective and often more efficient way to learn.

I'm not new to audio, I've consumed podcasts and audiobooks for years. Historically, these things only served as supplements to my normal reading material. But lately, I've made them a much bigger part of my learning regimen. Here are some reasons why: