
Here's What We Need For Well-Being

We have two fundamental yet conflicting sets of needs: those that support stability and those that support growth.

Many modern people assume change and growth are unquestionably good things. Marketers and politicians use this assumption to their advantage:

“This will change your life!”
“I can change the world!”
“Grow your business to 7 figures!”

But this perspective only tells one side of the story. Growth isn’t always a good thing and not all change is progress…

Why do we get into funks? (A Hypothesis of Well-Being)

Given the kind of year we had in 2020, I’ve been thinking a lot about dysfunction.

What causes people to become imbalanced and chaotic? How can we restore balance and cultivate well-being, both on the individual and collective levels?

Of course, there are many possible answers to these questions. However, I think they share a common theme:

Dysfunction happens when we fail to honor the full range of values necessary for human flourishing.

Conversely, well-being emerges when we cultivate and pursue this full range of values in balanced and adaptive ways.

Let me explain…

How the Story Goes

For the past couple weeks, I haven’t been feeling like myself. I’ve been physically exhausted, emotionally burnt out, creatively stagnant, and psychologically depressed. I’ve been feeling like I’ve been battling an invisible monster.

On top of it all, I’ve also been feeling like a fraud: Even though I know many strategies to help me deal with these kinds of obstacles, I haven’t been using them. This has caused me to question my very credibility as a teacher, which has taken me down several dark rabbit holes.

Then, a couple days ago, I had an insight that stabilized my mood and gave me some hope and motivation. It was something I already knew but had forgotten…

Personal Development Principle #3: Maintain Balance

This category is a bit harder to describe than the previous two, partly because it’s so ubiquitous (how do you explain water to a fish?) In a nutshell, it has to do with balancing opposing forces in order to establish harmony. It is characterized by equilibrium but also by paradox. In many ways, it is axiomatic because it describes how the world is ordered and the natural rhythm of life. It’s the philosophy behind the Yin Yang symbol. Here are a few concrete examples…