
Episode #34: Daniel DiPiazza - Let Go Of What's Holding You Back

Daniel DiPiazza is the founder of Alpha Mentorship, an immersive training and investment platform for the next generation of entrepreneurs, creators and leaders. He also is the best-selling author of the book Rich20Something.

Since we met and became friends in 2015, I’ve watched Daniel undergo a massive transformation — not just in his business but in his consciousness. Daniel is currently on a world-wide speaking tour, developing the material for his new book, Wielding Power. In our conversation, we talk about some of the ideas in that book.

How To Use Confirmation Bias To Create Better Beliefs

You may have heard of the term confirmation bias. It is the tendency to search for, interpret, or recall information in a way that confirms your preexisting beliefs or theories. 

Usually, when people talk about confirmation bias, it is in the context of pointing out someone's faulty logic or biased thinking.

It’s true that this cognitive quirk can cloud your reasoning, especially if you are trying to think in a strictly scientific way. However, what you may not realize is that it can also help you create better beliefs if you use it cleverly enough...

How To Create Better Beliefs

Many of the beliefs that hold you back from living your best life are not true -- at least not in the objective, scientific sense. In other words, they are not absolute, inviolable laws of nature. Rather, they are only subjectively true to you. The reason they seem true is because of a quirky mechanism your brain has.

Psychology has a name for this mechanism. It’s called confirmation bias, or the tendency to search for, interpret, and recall information in a way that confirms your pre-existing beliefs or theories. Basically, when you think something might be true, your brain immediately goes to work to find more evidence that supports your theory.

This tendency to jump to conclusions about our theories is