Your guide on the path to wholeness.


Hi, I’m Ruben.

For years, I kept repeating the same self-defeating patterns of behavior:

Letting my emotions rule my life. 
Getting stuck inside my own head.
Hiding my true gifts.
Sabotaging my own success.

When I was younger and just starting out, contemporary approaches to self-development based on goal-setting and achievement were useful.

But as I grew older, I found these approaches kind of like sticking a band-aid on a gaping wound—a superficial solution to a deep problem.

I realized I needed a more robust set of tools.

Over many years and through voracious research, I found those tools.

They came in the form of depth psychology, virtue ethics, Internal Family Systems therapy, Buddhism, Taoism, and other psychological, philosophical, and spiritual approaches that attempted to account for the complexity of the human condition.

Self-development, it turns out, isn’t about productivity hacks and positive thinking.

True self-development is the process of becoming conscious of the parts of ourselves we’ve ignored or disowned and incorporating those parts into our lives in constructive and harmonious ways.

In short, self-development is about integration.

Through the process of integration, we cultivate harmony—both within ourselves and between ourselves and the outside world. This is the path to wholeness. This is well-being in the deepest sense.

But here’s the catch: This process requires you to look in some pretty dark places within yourself. As the ancient dictum goes, “That which you most need will be found where you least want to look.” 

It is my job to guide you through this process and help restore balance to your life.

If you're interested in working with me, please schedule a free discovery call and fill out the application below.

I’m looking forward to our journey together.


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